About Us

                            ||  Gajaanana Antargatha Vishwambhara Moortiye namaha  ||                         

Greetings from Mr. and Mrs Hariprasad, 

Hearty welcome and thanks for visiting our blog "Jnaanasudha". 'Jnaana' means knowledge and 'Sudha' means nectar. Hence nectar of knowledge is the meaning of "Jnaanasudha". 

Just like the name ,our blog shares the sweetness of knowledge which we have gained through our elders and after referring few books. We would also like to share few recipes and travel experiences in this blog apart from providing various information related to lifestyle, personality development, forest and wildlife.

 We would like to  present a shloka  from bhagavata and its meaning.

anubhyah cha mahadbhyah cha shastrebhyah kushalo narah |    
      sarvatah saram adadyat pushpebhya iva Shatpadah ||


                Knowledge is everywhere, in everything and in every person. A wise man is always a knowledge seeker. There are things to learn from this world and a wise man seeks knowledge without differentiating its volume as atomic or mighty. He will extract values and he learns from the universe, like  a bee extracting a drop of nectar from the flowers.

We all are knowledge seekers and the process of learning never stops in our life. We constantly keep learning smaller or bigger things from this world and when we share what we have learnt , we double our knowledge by reinforcing it back to ourselves.

In this blog we have framed the contents as per our knowledge. If any fallacy or omissions are found please let us know and help us in improving the blog. We welcome your suggestions and comments.


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